Scanning Solutions for the Post Covid Workplace

Thank you for your interest in joining us on Wednesday April 28th for a live webinar exploring scanning solutions built for the Post Covid Workplace. As the US continues to roll out the Covid Vaccine and we prepare for our new normal, get a headstart on scanning solutions built to leverage both in office and remote business processes.  We’ve teamed up with Kodak Alaris and PSIGEN to present a 60-minute interactive webinar discussing these important questions:

  • How can I bring production quality scanning and data capture to my remote workers?
  • What’s the latest and greatest from Kodak Alaris scanning technology?
  • Is there a low cost Cloud Based departmental solution for managing document workflows and image storage?
Register below to join us. The live broadcast will kick off Wednesday April 28th at 10:00AM EDT



Scanning Solutions for the Post Covid Workplace

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Business process automation: dealing with manual process madness

In our new white paper on capture evolutions in the age of the Web and the Internet of Things, we mention the huge benefits of digitising information-intensive processes. Business process automation and document imaging, as part of business process optimisation and ongoing digitisation, enable companies to remain competitive and adapt for a ‘digital first’ present...
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